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University of Cyprus (UCY)

The University of Cyprus (UCY), established in 1989, is the Cypriote leading research university, renowned for its active involvement in numerous research projects funded by the EC, the National Research and Innovation Foundation, and various public and private research organizations. It aims for international scientific recognition in European higher education and strives to be a center of excellence in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The University offers a diverse range of undergraduate, postgraduate and vocational programmes focused on quality teaching, research and community engagement. With a strong commitment to multidisciplinary research, it maintains a robust academic staff and fosters partnerships for global impact, consistently ranking among top universities worldwide.

Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry – CCCI

The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) is operating as a Federation of the District Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the five major towns of Cyprus, Nicosia, Limassol, Famagusta, Larnaca and Paphos, which have jurisdiction in their respective towns and districts. The Chamber is the organisation of the business-people of Cyprus and apart from offering a wide range of services to them it promotes their interests and views to the Government and the Legislature.
The Chamber’s membership exceeds 8000 enterprises from the whole spectrum of business activity representing more than 95% of the business community of the country. More than 120 Professional Associations from the sectors of commerce, industry and services are also affiliated to the Chamber. One of the main areas of activities is the organization of training programmes. CCCI is an accredited VET centre in Cyprus. CCCI is additionally a member of Enterprise Europe Network – EEN since 2008, providing SMEs with information on EU related matters, legislation, assess to finance, etc.
The CCCI is a recognised social partner in Cyprus and takes an active part in the Social Dialogue at national level. Altogether the CCCI participates in more than 60 Committees, Councils and Organisations, including the Committee for the Coordination & Monitoring of the Policy Statement for the Strengthening of the Business Ecosystem, the Evaluation – Selection Committee for proposals for the European Awards for promotion of Entrepreneurship, the National Employment Committee, the Cyprus Human Resource Development Authority Council as well as the Monitoring Committee for the Implementation of the National Strategy for Social Policy.


Intercollege is one of the leading private colleges in Cyprus, which has been offering a wide range of VET study programmes (Higher Education/VET) to students since its inception in 1989. Intercollege offers accredited programmes in Culinary Arts & Management, Aesthetics, Automotive Engineering, Marine Engineering, and Nautical Science leading to Diplomas, Higher Diplomas, and Bachelors degrees. Intercollege’s study programmes follow the highest European standards for quality assurance in VET by combining high-level academic education with practical experience through specialized laboratory work and work-based learning. Intercollege has developed an extensive network of European partners through its leadership and involvement in innovative European projects. The College’s academic and administrative staff has extensive experience in project management, research, as well as in developing and implementing educational/training programmes through European-funded programmes such as Erasmus+.


CARDET (Center for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology) is the leading independent research and education Centre in Cyprus, and one of the prominent ones in the Euro-Mediterranean region, dedicated to harnessing the potential of education as a major driver in shaping a better world.

We design, develop, and implement innovative, evidence-based approaches and resources to build up the competencies of individuals and communities to help alleviate social challenges.


Voltalia is an international player in renewable energies. The Group produces and sells electricity from its wind, solar, hydro, biomass and storage facilities. It has 3.1 GW of capacity in operation and under construction, and a portfolio of projects under development with a total capacity of 16.6 GW.

Voltalia is also a service provider, supporting its renewable energy customers at every stage of their projects, from design to operation and maintenance. 

A pioneer in the business market, Voltalia offers a comprehensive range of services to businesses, from the supply of green electricity to energy efficiency services and the local production of its own electricity. 

With more than 1,850 employees in 20 countries on 3 continents, Voltalia has the capacity to act globally on behalf of its customers.

Voltalia is listed on the Euronext regulated market in Paris (FR0011995588 – VLTSA) and is included in the Enternext Tech 40 and CAC Mid&Small indices. The company is also included in the Gaïa-Index, the responsible mid-cap index.

Deep Blue

Deep Blue is an Italian research and consultancy SME specialised in Human Factors and user-centred design, safety, validation, and dissemination. Deep Blue operates in complex and safety-critical domains, like Industry 4.0 and Energy, providing human-centric design solutions. 


Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) – by 2019 has five Faculties, 21 different undergraduate degree studies (3 years – first level), 19 graduate degree courses (second level), 3 single cycle university degrees with limited entry (1 in engineering – 5years, 1 in medicine & surgery – 6years and 1 in orthodontics and prosthetics – 6 years), 11 vocational study courses, 29 fields of specialization, and 10 PhD programmes with their administrative offices in Ancona. UPM has 12 different Departments. In the academic year 2019/20 the University has more than 18,000 students. The teaching faculty currently numbers 550 professors, teaching assistants, and researchers, along with 181 temporary staff and 605 technical and administrative personnel.

UPM will participate to the project by the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Science (DIISM). DIISM is part of Faculty of Engineering. DIISM coordinates the Bachelor and Master degree programmes in Mechanical Engineering and Management Engineering.


IFOA is a private, not-for-profit, VET provider active for over 50 years. It was appointed in 1999 as a national training centre by the Italian Ministry of Labour and it is also a private employment agency. With 16 sites all over Italy, IFOA is part of the network of the Italian Chambers of Commerce. Its mission is to bridge people with the labour market, under the motto “Useful knowledge”. IFOA delivers traditional and blended learning VET programmes (mostly EQF4/5) for young unemployed; continuous training for employees and companies; lifelong training, consultancy and technical assistance to individuals, businesses and public bodies.

The programmes cover a wide range of domains and sectors, linked to S3 strategies of the Italian Regions IFOA is based in: from energy to logistics, from agri-food to large-scale retail trade, from tourism to Industry 4.0, etc. Special attention is also given to soft and cross-skills, especially green and blue (digital).
IFOA actively participates in several networks: a member of the network of the Italian and EU Chambers of Commerce; member of 4 Emilia-Romagna regional clusters supporting the S3 strategy (GreenTech, Industry 4.0, Innovation, Agri-Food); member of it-ER (International Talents in Emilia- Romagna), the network implementing the regional strategy of international talents attraction and retention; co-founder of Impact Hub Reggio Emilia, a “knot” in the world-wide network of Impact Hubs for co-working and innovation development; member of EfVET; member of Chain5, the informal EU network of training centres delivering EQF5 programmes; participating in the European Alliance for Apprenticeships.

ForMare – Polo Nazionale per lo Shipping

ForMare – Polo Nazionale per lo Shipping is a leading professional and technical center for shipping and Blue Economy and can boast many years of experience in providing support to high-level training policies, life-long learning, and stakeholders’ engagement and mobilization. Formare aims at: promoting networks among key stakeholders of the shipping industry, Maritime Clusters and Public Authorities at national and EU level; facilitating the meeting between demand and supply through the matching of skills and specific needs of the shipping sector; supporting technologies and innovation in the maritime field; promoting business acceleration models and R&D activities for operating in the shipping industry. Formare mainly operates in the field of the Blue Economy, designing maritime training programs, promoting R&D activities, sustainable development, and digital innovation. 


The University of A Coruña is territorially situated in the Campus of A Coruña and the Campus of Ferrol.

The University of A Coruña is a public institution whose primary objective is the generation, management and dissemination of culture and scientific, technological and professional knowledge through the development of research and teaching.

The University of A Coruña conceives his essential purpose as a quality public service aimed at achieving greater levels of welfare for the group of the society through the pursuit of social, scientific and technological advances in a framework of ethical values. Part of its mission is the formation of an open, critical, democracy and solidarity citizenship, capable of analyzing reality, diagnose problems, formulate and implement solutions based in knowledge and oriented to the common good.

The University of A Coruña explicitly expresses its commitment to the study and the integral development of Galicia, its social, cultural and linguistic identity, and it will promote its full integration into the European Higher Education and and the projection in Latin America.


CETMAR (Technology Centre of the Sea) is a public foundation established in 2001 by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology and the Galicia Region Government. CETMAR enhances marine sector competitiveness by bridging research, education, industry and administrations at national, European, and international levels. It has collaborated with over 900 organizations from 60 countries, developing nearly 600 diverse projects.

The CETMAR Training Department aims to improve the marine and maritime sectors’ quality of life through training initiatives. Notably, CETMAR established the ORESkills partnership under the Pact for Skills in 2021 and manages its secretariat.

University of the Aegean

The University of the Aegean is a unique, public university spread across six Aegean islands in Greece, including Lesvos, Chios, and Rhodes. Founded in 1984, it offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields like environmental studies, communication, and maritime sciences. With a focus on research and a beautiful island setting, it attracts students seeking a blend of academics and Aegean culture.

S.A.E.K. Egaleo

Thematic S.A.E.K. Egaleo (School of Advanced Vocational Training Egaleo) is one of the Public Institutes of Vocational Training (D.I.E.K. – previous name) in the west side area of Athens, called Aigaleo (Egaleo). The students of the S.A.E.K. are high school graduates, ages 18+ as well as adults who wants to get a Vocational Training. S.A.E.K. Egaleo is the oldest Institute of Vocational Training in Greece, established in 1992 and is one of the biggest in Athens. Attendance at the S.A.E.K. lasts 5 semesters.

The specialisation offered are:

  • Informatics Applications Technicians (Multimedia / Web Design – Development / Video Games)
  • Computer Technicians
  • Open Software Technicians
  • Automotive Technicians
  • Heating, Petroleum & Natural Gas Technicians
  • Lift & Escalator Technicians
  • Renewable Energy Technicians
  • Naval Automation Technicians
  • Interior Architecture & Object Designers
  • Digital Marketing in E- Commerce
  • Medical Equipment Technicians

The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) is a governmental research organization operating under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation (GSRI) of the Ministry of Development and Investments. The HCMR comprises three Research Institutes: The Institute of Oceanography (IO), the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC), and the Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters (IMBRIW).

The overall scientific mission of the IO is the multidisciplinary study and the long-term monitoring of the physical, chemical, biological and geological processes that govern the structure, functioning and evolution of pelagic and benthic ecosystems. The scientific strategy of the IO is continuously updated and refined following the targets, priorities, and needs set at the European and national level. Research conducted by the IO supports the sustainable development of sectors underlined by the EU ‘Blue Growth’ strategy such as ocean energy, aquaculture, tourism, and seabed exploitation, by providing knowledge about the marine environment. Among the thematic research axes of the Institute are the following: marine ecosystems research, offshore renewable energy resources, and environmental status. The IO became the principal scientific consultant in the field of offshore wind farms installation in the coastal zone in Greece, by providing a detailed coastal metocean climate analysis to interesting parties and key actors as well as a smart wind chart evaluation tool. Researchers and scientists from the IO participate in the teaching of postgraduate courses, including the postgraduate program “Ship and Marine Technology” of the National Technical University of Athens-School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, providing lectures on “Introduction to marine renewable energy sources”.


ELETAEN NPO, is the consulting and engineering arm of the Hellenic Wind Energy Association ELETAEN. The Association (HWEA ELETAEN) was founded in 1990 and is the elder renewables Association in Greece. It has been a member of the European wind energy association WindEurope since its founding and operates as its national representative in Greece. Members of HWEA ELETAEN become companies and organizations active in the entire supply chain of wind energy, such as manufacturers, equipment traders, services providers, investors, developers, research centers and institutes as well as individuals, professionals, business executives, scientists, researchers, academics etc.

HWEA ELETAEN maintains and serves a twofold scope, i) it seeks to promote the scientific research, technology and applications of wind energy and ii) at the same time tries to effectively express the well-meant interests of the industry and the market by acting as a think-tank and dialogue forum with scientific documentation and competence. In order to serve more effectively its scope, HWEA ELETAEN founded ELETAEN NPO in 2013.

ELETAEN NPO is located at Chalandri, Attica, Greece (NUTS: EL301) and is a non-profit company (in Greek: Αστική Μη Κερδοσκοπική Εταιρεία). Its activities are exclusively focused on the wind energy sector and include among others, the following:

  • Market and policy development studies
  • Workshops, seminars and training
  • Publications
  • Public awareness and information campaigns.
Aquatera Atlántico

Aquatera Atlántico is the Spanish satellite in the Canary Islands created by Aquatera Group, whose headquarters are in Orkney, Scotland. During the last 20 years of activity, Aquatera Ltd had built a worldwide reputation as one of the leading consultancies in the marine and offshore renewable energy sector. Based on the intensive knowledge and experience gained during this period, Aquatera Atlántico’s goal is to deliver from a local perspective from the Canary Islands on sustainable development, offshore renewable energy, and the blue economy, on projects and initiatives in these sectors around the world.

Polytechnic of Porto – P.PORTO

The Polytechnic of Porto – P.PORTO is a leading higher education institution in Portugal with a 170-year history. It consists of eight schools strategically situated on three campuses across five cities. Our academic programs cover various scientific fields, including Engineering, Accounting and Administration, Education, Music and Performing Arts, Media and Design, Hospitality and Tourism, Management and Technology, and Health.

P.PORTO, with a community of 21,800 students, offers 60 undergraduate programs, 74 master’s degrees, 5 PhD programs, and 24 research centers.

At P.PORTO, our dedication to practical and applied education is strengthened by our strong connections with industry and the local community, ensuring that our education remains relevant and up-to-date.


Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde (EPATV) is a vocational school, located in the north of Portugal (Vila Verde).The institution’s objective is to prepare students to integrate the labor market with success, offering training courses in diversified areas, such as Gastronomy, Graphic Design, Electricity, Metalworks, Car Mechanics, Mechatronics, Hairdresser, Beautician, Sports, Sociocultural Animator, Computer Programmer, CNC Machining and Programming, Refrigeration and Climatization, and Electronics, Automation and Computers. EPATV has several protocols with companies and VET stakeholders who participate actively in the co-construction of the students’ training pathways and learning,
EPATV assumes itself as a school that makes learning rather than teaching, where the student is the builder of his life project; a school as a research and development centre in action, promoting the digital transition, creating conditions for everyone to face the current challenges of local and European policies.
EPATV is recognized by the development of several transversal projects (namely those related with Inclusive Education, School Sports, European Union, Music, Volunteering, Citizenship, Robotics and Environmental Awareness and Sustainability), Guidance and Psychology Service, Learning Support Centre, Employability Observatorium (following the students’ course to a period of 3 years after graduating), Qualifica Centre (for adult competences’ recognition and validation), Erasmus+ Projects, and the Digital Plan that accompanies the digital transformation. The commitment in such projects has granted EPATV important Seals of approval by reference institutions, such as the European Commission, with the attribution of European Innovative Teaching Award (EITA) in 2021 and 2023, DGERT, Municipality of Vila Verde and CIM Cávado, or ABAAE.


INOVA+ is the Portuguese leading company in the promotion and management of international projects of Innovation, Education, Training and Research and Technological Development. The company’s mission is to provide the knowledge, management capacity, partnerships, and technical and financial support to ensure successful innovation projects for its customers. The Science, Education and Technology department through its Capacity Building Unit relies on a team with solid experience in coordinating and managing EU-funded projects to deliver effective, innovative, and sustainable solutions for the education and training sector. The range of competences includes project management and coordination, research and needs analysis, policy analysis, development of training programmes, materials and contents, design of competence frameworks and vocational profiles, preparation and delivery of training courses, networking, evaluation, quality assurance, communication and dissemination, exploitation, and transfer of results. Considering key areas of expertise, the following can be highlighted: career guidance and vocational orientation, sustainable development, sciences and technology education, STE(A)M, digital skills, green skills, social inclusion, literacies, entrepreneurship, mobility and education, arts and science, teachers pedagogical development etc. INOVA+ has participated in over 100 European projects (and coordinated over 30) of a large range of programs, including. Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, AAL, CIP, and Creative Europe, among others. INOVA+ is currently a member of TICE.PT (the National Portuguese ICT Cluster), Forum Oceano (Sea cluster in Portugal), European Network of Innovation for Inclusion and EUropreneurship Network.


The Vocational Training Center for Fisheries and the Sea – FOR-MAR was created in 2008 and its’ main task is to promote vocational training activities to enhance human resources in sectors linked to maritime activities, enhancing human resources in sectors linked to the Blue Economy.

We are present along the Portuguese mainland coast, providing training in 12 Schools. We seek to create opportunities and promote competitiveness in our area of activity.


The Portuguese Renewable Energies Association (APREN) is a non-profit association founded in October 1988. Its mission is to coordinate and represent the common interests of its members, promoting renewables energies in the electricity field. APREN works together with official bodies and other similar entities, at national and international level, constituting an instrument of participation in energy and environmental policies through the use and valorization of natural resources for electricity production, namely in the fields of hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, biogas and urban solid waste.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.  
Project Number : 101143967

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